Henkel dx BERLIN Hub Ritterstraße 24 - 27, 10969 Berlin Germany
When: November 23rd 2022
Time: 5:45pm - 10pm
Where: Henkel dx BERLIN Hub
Henkel dx Ventures proudly invites you to its inaugural event at its newly established Berlin Hub.
We are Henkel’s signature venturing vehicle enabling visionary founders, bold entrepreneurs and experienced industry experts. Together, we revolutionise the future of commerce – by bridging the virtual and the physical world.
Michael Nilles, Marc Thom and team are honoured to welcome you as our guest, to get to know the Henkel dx Ventures Team and explore with us our key investment areas. We will use the opportunity to acquaint you with Henkel’s transformative digital approach and Henkel dx Venture’s investment plans.
Organizer: Henkel dx VenturesContact person: Delia GoosEmail: delia.goos@henkel.com