Workshop & Networking
The battle against climate change and environmental damage is an urgent issue for the EU and across the globe. This includes giving companies and employees a greater interest in and better understanding of environmental problems, like wastewater treatment.
In this context it becomes important to present the opportunities for building sustainable partnerships in the form of European financed projects aimed at merging Italian and German know-how. WATECO, a small project, aims to help raise environmental awareness and proactively adapt vocational training in the field of industrial wastewater treatment to current environmental needs.
The German-Italian cooperation WATECO has prepared 4 training modules to show how vocational training works in Germany and outline possible solutions for Italy. The short videos were realized by Bildungszentrum BEW gGmbH (Germany) and Emschergenossenschaft, a big water association, in cooperation with Olpers GmbH (Germany) and Tecnoconsulting sas (Italy). We believe that promoting dialog and partnerships between the education system and employers/companies is essential if the employability of individuals and their effective potential for companies is to be improved.
The event will take place on December 13th at the AHK Italien HQ in Milan and will conclude with an networking cocktail.
15.00: Check-in and welcome coffee
15.30: Presentation of the EU-Program ERASMUS and its targets
Introduction of the project WATECO
Alexandra Tichindelean, Tecnoconsulting
15.45: BEW as an Environmental Training centre in Germany
Ralf Osinski, Bildungszentrum Duisburg
16.10: WATECO project results - An example for a small online-course for industrial waste water treatment
Isabella Winkler, Bildungszentrum Duisburg
16.25: Analysis of trends and perspectives in the field of wastewater management in Germany and Italy
Prof. Dr. Christian Kazner, Hochschule Bochum
16.40: Best practice from the AHK business community
Martin Corato, WILO
17.00: Discussion round and Q&A
17.30: Networking cocktail